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What might you call a group of people brought together through their love of painting and drawing? A palette of artists? A blend of daubers? A paintbox of colourists?


Whatever.... we call ourselves.... Sevenoaks Art Club... And while we've been around for over a hundred years, we like to think of ourselves simply as, well, a group of people brought together through their love of painting and drawing.


With an age range somewhere between young and young at heart, we meet fortnightly for most of the year to share our enthusiasm for this engrossing hobby. Most of our members are amateurs but with a decent helping of (semi) professionals and even occasional apprentice Hirst, Emin and Perry!

During the colder months we meet in one of the super halls in town at MENCAP. We maintain a varied programme, including still life, portrait and life sessions. We attract regular visits from well known professionals who lead workshops for us, demonstrate their approaches and share their talent.


During the summer we meet outdoors, fortnightly on Saturdays and also have a Midweek Outdoor Painters Group for those who can escape from other work.


Every year we hold several exhibitions of our members' work. The major ones are at the Vine  in Sevenoaks (outdoors) and at the Kaleidoscope Gallery (indoor). Additionally we attend other venues - such as Riverhill Himalayan Gardens - and offer our work in support of a local 'West Kent Mind' charity.


All this work is complimented by a solid social side. We have at least one group outing each year, to a prominent gallery or exhibition, and let our hair down at summer and Christmas parties.

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